Saturday, June 6, 2009

On hunt for...!

I'm on hunt for electric guitars!

I've been playing acoustic guitar for a while and always wanted to try out electric guitar for a change. It's not very big change like learning a whole new instrument but still there's still a lot to learn. Techniques of playing are different, new equipment and specifications are involved, more variation of effects to be manipulated such as reverb and distortion, accustoming to different genre of music etc.

I've been doing some research and also been for guitar recces over the weekends with friends, honestly I was quite lost at the start. It reminds me of the time when I bought my first acoustic guitar.

I've narrowed down to certain specifications that I want for my electric guitar, and currently I'm looking at the Les Paul range that meet most of what I want and also fit my budget.
And now is just about finding THE ONE.

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