Monday, May 25, 2009


Long time since I last updated my blog. Thanks for being patient and returning to the blog for the past weeks. Yes dears, updates updates! No worries, I've a lot to update for the past few weeks of my life; there were more than just examinations.

I've been busy catching up with friends after my examinations. And also lots of catching up on my physical fitness because I was so busy mugging during the examination period that I kinda stop exercising. Gearing up to the regular regime after the 'long break' was tough, and this is a learning point for me: to be consistent with physical fitness training.

Recently, I'm hooked on an American sit-com "How I Met Your Mother". I was introduced to my friend during towards the end of the examination period when we were studying together. It was our entertainment during meal time. We usually watch 1 or 2 episodes during our meal, and by the end of it we would all be so cracked by the show. The story of HIMYM is exactly expressed by the title; the episode will begin with the lead character "Ted" (or the narrator of the story) telling his kids how he met their mother, and it will then flash back to the time when Ted is young. The plot is similar to Friends, where all the stories revolve around the bunch of good friends. Something interesting about this sit-com is that the characters in the show have actual blog in reality, i.e. the 'life' of the character is reflected on blogs that you could read. I thought it is an interesting idea to increase the realism of the show. I'm also kinda influence by the numerous taglines in HIMYM, like "This is gonna be Legen.... Wait.. wait for it.. dary", "Hey... met Ted" etc. You will understand only understand all this jokes when you watch it. I was as lost when my friends were saying these random taglines before I watched it.
I will continue to back track on my updates alright... Stay 'tuned'!

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